An Adventure [with Alex Lilly]

Currently we are traveling LA, one of the world`s music capitals, with our sexy shining and fully functional PHONOCUT HOME VINYL RECORDER prototype for a whole series of first PHONOCUT recording test sessions. Surprising not only true professionals and high end studio owners but basically all music lovers with all the opportunities this machine opens up. Allow us to take us with you on our first adventures.
A direct to disc recording session with Alex Lilly at one one of the most iconic studios in LA. Please have a look at the images below and please dive into the magic sound files and compare the digital file of the recording with the pressed vinyl we traditionally produced from a cut performed at a legendary Scully lathe valued at several 100k with the record we directly cut on Vinyl with our brave little PHONOCUT machine.
Photos by Lousy Auber
Video by Michael Luger